You have a gift, Jack

Each week a different scene from the screenplay will be posted here. If you have any suggestions for next week's scene, please send me some mail. The entire screenplay can be found here.


SUNDAY APRIL 14, 1912.  A bright clear day.  Sunlight splashing across the 
promenade.  Rose and Cal are having breakfast in silence.  The tension is palpable.  
Trudy Bolt, in her maid's uniform, pours the coffee and goes inside.

CAL I had hoped you would come to me last night. ROSE I was tired. CAL Yes. Your exertions below decks were no doubt exausting. ROSE (stiffening) I see you had that undertaker of a manservant follow me. CAL You will never behave like that again! Do you understand? ROSE I'm not some foreman in your mills than you can ommand! I am your fiancee--
Cal explodes, sweeping the breakfast china off the table with a crash. He moves to her in one shocking moment, glowering over her and gripping the sides of her chair, so she is trapped between his arms.
CAL Yes! You are! And my wife... in practice, if not yet by law. So you will honor me, as a wife is required to honor her husband! I will not be made out a fool! Is this in any way unclear?
Rose shrinks into the chair. She sees Trudy, frozen, partway through the door bringing the orange juice. Cal follows Rose's glance and straightens up. He stalks past the maid, entering the stateroom.
ROSE We... had a little accident. I'm sorry, Trudy.

Michael Sherman <>